Wednesday 22 November 2017

Blog Reflection - Week 10

What have you been doing this week?

-Shooting Script finalisation
-First filming shots

This week we have been fully planning and typing the shots that we want to have in our music video in our shooting script, we spent a lot of time on the shooting script as its the main -part of the planning that contains most of the information of our music video, we want other many different alterations and choices for our music video such as the use of actors and what we want the artist to be doing in the shot. We also decided where to shoot exactly as well such as in London for some London  and forest shots. After palling the duration of the shots and what it contains we filmed some of the first shots later on the week such as some of the street shots and the filming and the shots were ok, some parts will be replaced and changed but it was decent.

We went for a gritty sense for the street shots that link to the artists growing up and beginning phase and we also went for key typical locations such as underpasses or walkways or alleys to suit this mood and iconography at the beginning.

What Key concepts have you been focusing on?

The main focus we have been focusing on is the use of having a visually pleasing shots in our music videos such as the use of the forest shots that would juxtapose our main artist. We also liked the use of lost of effects in our music video so we have prepared for that as well, similar to our first test shots at the beginning of the year. We also have been including lots of cinematic shots in our music video as we want to have a film type look to our music video similar to Kendrick Lamar's DNA at the beginning.

What were the main decisions and revisions you have made?

The main choices and decisions we made was to have more pleasing shots so we changed some of the location's to suit the music videos vibe much more. We also wanted to change some of the style of shots to better fit with the actor and pace of the song as it would flow the song much more.

Monday 20 November 2017

Blog Reflection - Week 9