Saturday, 21 October 2017

Blog Reflection - Week 8

What have you been doing this week?

This week I have been doing

-Analysis of Digipaks
-Analysis of Magazine adverts
-Finishing flat plans

We had finished our flat plans for both of our ancillary products and use existing products to help us produce and create own ones. We drew our flat plans in pencil as a rough outline and then we coloured them in colour to make it clear and understandable of what we wanted to go for. We use various techniques for both products such as the use of placement and composition and typography and even mise-en-scene, as we want it to be clear to when we make our final one.

I firstly started analysing existing adverts and digipaks so I can understand the basic conventions of both products, and see how they are put together such as the use of the bar codes and the main image of the artist on the front. After denoting all of the typical conventions we then went into detail about what they could mean and what appeal it has on the audience, with this I took this into consideration when creating our own ancillary products and with this we decided to base our products on this mainstream ones that already exist but have own spin on it.

What key concepts have you been focusing on?

We have been focusing a lot on audience and theory as we want our products to appeal as well as the main product and understanding all of the theory increases the likelihood

of the product becoming successful. With this we also focused on representation and how our artist will represent himself and if it would appeal to the audience that we are looking to appeal to, this is shown throughout all of our products.

What were the main decisions and revisions you have made?

The key decisions that we had for this week was how much screen time our artist would have and how long the duration of the clips will be and this would be further explored in our shooting script, even for the digipaks we decided how many panels we wanted and what other songs that he has made and to choose if they all relate to song were making or to have them completely different, such as Rihanna's albums sometimes has song that are completely different from each other.

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